Saturday, September 12, 2015

VeganMofo15: Tell us about your favourite cookbook! #VGNMF15

I know I have posted so so many times about this book, but it remains one of my favourites Joanna Vaught's Yellow Rose Recipes (YRR). I tested for this cookbook and I keep singing it's praises, the page layout and design was done by sir Joshivore of Herbivore Clothing.  Features adorable art from Amanda Bear , and is basically a PPK dream come true.
Behold the glory!

To get started the book is gorgeous! Filled with flavour and easy to make recipes, don't forget our main lady was writing this bad boy while growing her son inside her. This continues to be one of the book I reach for again and again, with many favourites I've added to my own repertoire for daily/weekly consumption. While the glorious original is no longer in print, Joanna did make the new revised recipes available in a smaller self published collection (I own both).

The book has so many gems from breakfast tofu scramble, to the only vegan cake my granny will make, to my one true love the bechemel sauce (which as a broke university kid, I eat a lot of).

I've blogged about this book again and again, so I won't bore you with more  but this guy is worth your time.

My top three recipes (excluding the tofu scramble/seasoning mix!)


This sauce has been a routine crowd pleaser in my house. Simple, easy, cheap and ultra smooth and creamy. It is remarkably rich without being overly heavy and will add life to any pasta or rice bowl dish. Bonus Points: for making the roast squash lasagna with this magical sauce to wow any lunch box or dinner party.

Grilled Portabello!
Nothing spells summer like these mushrooms and that marinade (with is also amazing for tempeh, tofu etc!). Every BBQ season I bust these guys out and it's one of the recipes I send out the most. 
 I grill these all year round and have been known to bake them for dinner during more than one snow storm.
Crusted Tofu!

This book does simply home comfort neck in neck with the oous and awws for dinner parties. The crusted tofu (adapted from the seitan recipe) holds up great cold in sandwiches or wraps, which is key for my lack of microwave work options.
Seriously, there is something for everyone in this book, and I cannot imagine life without it. Every holiday trip I make sure to pack it for our Roasted Ginger Vegetables or Sauces or just in case we stay an extra weekend to have access to some good vegan dishes.

It does holidays, birthdays, everyday, weekday and everything in between it is one of the best all around cook books I own and it is tattered and food splattered to prove it.
Joanna was kind enough to get back to me, although the original is no longer in print folks can get copies of Yellow Rose Recipes Greatest hits from Joanna on Amazon here.


Bonnie said...

Great pick for your favourite cookbook! I haven't cooked from this one in a while but I remember loving the mustard-crusted seitan and the cake with the strawberries on it. And the pestos. And the scramble! Your crusted tofu looks excellent too.

B.A.D. said...

Thanks Bonnie, I think even after all these years there are still a few recipes I haven't tried. I almost forgot about the pesto!