Sunday, August 12, 2007


I've been cooking alot, but my new house* doesn't have internet, my camera is full of gathering photos AND the PC is being serviced. AHH, the universe.

Anway here's a short run down of my meal post gathering:

corn on the cob
roast veggies (recipe to follow)
baked beans in tomatoe sauce, spiced up to loveliness
wild rice via rice cooker
3am chocolate lazy ass cake (again with the recipes)

* Read shack.

Roast Veggies à la no groceries
5 potatoes, washed not peeled
4 carrots ( baby carrots if you're desperate) again washy, no peely
1 onion
4 and half mushrooms (button style)
a handfull of frozen bussel sprouts
too much olive oil
really old garlic, that should have been thrown out.
Spices ( I'll try to remeber)

wash and chop everything, toss some oil in the baking pan then toss veggies+garlic.

Add more oil and shake, now comes the fun part add yer spices.
It's all fair game here, except salt I would hold off on all salt until after the baking, roots (potatoes being prime offenders) suck up salt, so you have no salty taste and all the salty related death, not cool.
SPices general rosemerry, fresh pepper, cayenne, Paprika(lots), taragone and anything else that looks good, powdered garlic if that's your thing etc.

toss pan into 400 oven, shake every 20 minutes till done.

3Am sugar rush cake
First, it needs to be 3am and you need to be in need of a sugar fix.. and without measuring utensils because you're really only half moved.
Now grad some diet pepsi and a box of deep chocolate duncain heins mix (check for milk etc).
open packaged and dump into bowl.
eyeball/assume what 10oz oz pepsi looks like, or poor until things look wet.
grease cake pan that has seen better days and poor in batter.
bake according to box, then longer because your new oven sucks.
While cake bakes combine room temp Earth Balance, big spoon of cocoa, too much icing sugar and a splash of chocolate silk. Then more sugar, mix/whip until it's a little runny then pop into freezer. One cake is nearly done take icing out and stir until resembles icing again. Don't wait for the cake to cool, ice anyways.
Then leave out all night and eat the next day at work with omnivores who will ask for seconds and thirds.
No word of a lie, tastes like a doughnut. Melted icing and all, yum.

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